Weekly VC Insights by Uniborn #7

Inside: North American investors in Europe, the end of a high valuation era, the 50 most active investors in HealthTech, and more
Elena Cherkas
🇪🇪 Uniborn Team
3 min read

Hello! Uniborn is back on the line. Below are the most discussed and essential materials of the past week which should be noticed.

🔥 North American investors are coming to Europe. Here's why and what European tech founders need to know

Sifted's editor spoke to three active North American investors about their growing interest in Europe and what European startups should know about working with US funds.

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🔥 Zennström calls the end of the high-valuations era and says founders and VCs must remove the stigma of down rounds

Skype co-founder, CEO of Atomico, and one of Europe's most prominent tech players said that European startups should prepare for "difficult decisions" and "flat" or "down rounds" funding, despite the high valuations they have been receiving the last few years.

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🔥 How to turn user data into your next pitch deck

Out of 100 pitches a venture firm receives, only 25 lead to a meeting, and only one leads to a deal. So how to get through this selection? This article's author believes that your startup's data can become your needed superpower. The main thing is to learn how to gather and utilize it correctly.

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🔥 The 50 most active early-stage healthtech investors

Based on data from Dealroom, Sifted compiled a list of the most active investors in HealthTech, a sector that continues to grow despite the general economic downturn.

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🔥 Amid record dry powder, VCs are determined to fund anything but you

Venture capitalists are using this year's uncertainty as an excuse to avoid the work needed for a substantive discussion of evaluations and prospects—an exciting observation by Rebecca Szkutak from TechCrunch.

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🔥 Revenue-based financing: A new playbook for startup fundraising

While venture capital remains the most famous avenue for startups, founders should use all funding options available to them. So how to draw up a financial strategy taking into account revenue-based financing? So says the CEO of Capchase.

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🔥 Now's a great time to start investing in women of color

In 2020, female-led startups accounted for just 2.3% of venture capital funding, which has only worsened over time, up from 2.8% in 2019. At the same time, a study conducted in the UK showed that companies with a strong female representation at the executive level are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability.

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🔥 The Rise Of The Solo VC

Five characteristics define a lone venture capitalist. They are the ones who permit such investors to develop deep personal relationships with the founders and receive a balanced portfolio. For more details, see K2 Global's founder column for Forbes. 

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Cover image: Unsplash

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